Homeopathy & Chakras

Autore: Claudia De Rosa - Editore: Simonelli Editore

Genere: Saggistica
Pagine: 210
Anno: 2008
Isbn versione PDF: 978-88-7647-297-8
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Homeopathy is a dynamic medical art and science. Our remedies act on the energy body as well as the physical. In this book the author melts the homeopathic thinking into the chakra system. The author gives an introduction to the chakra system (energy, Kundalini and detailed description of each chakra), Vital Force, Susceptibility, miasms, personality types, endocrine system, colour energy and healing and places them on this map creating an interesting connection between homeopathic remedies and energy centres and how to use them creatively, how to balance energy centres through chakra centres, colour energy and homeopathy, in theory and in practice.

Claudia writes in a simple and clear way and uses pictures, schemes and colours to make things even more easier!

La medicina omeopatica è un’arte ed una scienza dinamica. I rimedi omeopatici agiscono sul nostro corpo energeticamente oltre che fisicamente. In questo libro l’autrice lega il pensiero omeopatico al sistema dei chakra. L’autrice fornisce un’introduzione del sistema dei chakra (il concetto di energia, Kundalini, ed una descrizione dettagliata di ciascun chakra), Forza Vitale, Suscettibilità, i miasma, le biotipologie, il sistema endocrino, l’energia dei colori e le loro proprietà curative, come utilizzare tutto questo in maniera creativa e come bilanciare i centri energetici attraverso il sistema dei chakra, i rimedi omepatici , i colori, in teoria ed in pratica.

Claudia De Rosa is a Classical Homeopath, registered member of the International Association of Homeopaths (ISHom) and of the Italian Association of Homeopaths (AIO). Qualified at the ‘Irish School of Homoeopathy’, Republic of Ireland, has experience in the treatment of learning and behavioural disorders, autistic spectrum disorder, allergies and food intolerances, panic attacks, teenagers age, childhood, menopause, pregnancy, and she has found homeopathy to be a useful tool as part of a multi-disciplinary approach in these areas.
Trained at the ’Irish School of Homeopathy’ of Cork, Republic of Ireland, where she lived for over 7 years, and at the ‘School of Homeopathy’ of Devon, England, she now practices as homeopath in Savona and Albisola (north west of Italy) where she lives with her two children, Julia and Joshua.
Lecturer at the ‘Scuola Superiore di Naturopatia’ (School of Naturopathy) in Genoa, she is responsible for the homeopathic section at AMIN, (Italian Association of Holistic Medicine). She organizes different courses and seminars throughout Italy and Europe and is actively involved in
To learn more about her and the activities she is involved in, please visit www.visvitalis.it or e-mail omeoliguria@yahoo.com.

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