Autore: Illustrated by Daniele Verucchi - Editore: Simonelli Editore

Genere: Arte
Pagine: 119
Anno: 2017
Isbn versione Epub: 978-88-9320-099-8

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Do you collect Beetles and Butterflies?
If Yes, this eBook is for you.
Daniele Verucchi collects beetles and butterflies, he is an entomologist member of the Natural History Museum of Milan and he is too an artist.
He trained at the Fine Arts Academy of Brera in Milan and now he is one of the best artists involved in the scientific naturalistic design. Not in Italy only because with his works participated in numerous and personal exhibitions in France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, USA and Australia.
Well, in this eBook you can admire through the art of Daniele Verucchi and his acrylic paintings the beauty of 50 beetles and 5 butterflies.

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